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18th June - New Lubbesthorpe Public Transport Update – ArrivaClick Leicester

There is a change of service and bus operator for the New Lubbesthorpe community and wider area from 1st August 2022.

In April 2019 Drummond Trust funded the launch of the ArrivaClick Leicester service, offering an innovative demand responsive transport (DRT) service for New Lubbesthorpe. Prior to the third anniversary of the service, a review of the service was undertaken. This included extensive discussions with Arriva and other potential operators. The review also considered feedback from residents including the most recent travel survey, trip data gathered during the first three years of the DRT contract, and changes to travel and working patterns post-pandemic.

As a result of the review conducted by Go Travel Solutions, the ArrivaClick DRT service will finish on Sunday 31st July 2022 and be replaced by a revised DRT service and a new regular shuttle service between New Lubbesthorpe and Leicester city centre starting Monday 1st August 2022.

The new operator will be Vectare, a Loughborough-based provider of innovative transport solutions, who work across the Midlands and East of England. The revised flexible DRT service will operate within the existing zone using Padam Mobility software. The direct service between New Lubbesthorpe and Leicester city centre will operate half hourly during the daytime, offering journey times of less than 30 minutes from New Lubbesthorpe to Leicester city centre.

Further information on the new bus services from 1st August 2022 will be released in the coming weeks.

Residents of New Lubbesthorpe can sign up for free to the free LocalGo scheme at Here they will be able to access travel offers and information for the new bus services as well as the Enterprise car club and many other forms of local travel.

For further information on the new bus services and LocalGo, please email:
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